
Simply Better Technology

Simply Better Technology

Simply Better Technology

We have replaced the internal combustion engine with a chemical looping combustion engine to create a zero emission, zero waste micro-CHP, E650. As it generates energy, our generator recovers critical raw materials from waste and captures copious amounts of CO₂. This is our generation’s tipping point technology.

We have replaced the internal combustion engine with a chemical looping combustion engine to create a zero emission, zero waste micro-CHP, E650. As it generates energy, our generator recovers critical raw materials from waste and captures copious amounts of CO₂. This is our generation’s tipping point technology.

We have replaced the internal combustion engine with a chemical looping combustion engine to create a zero emission, zero waste micro-CHP, E650. As it generates energy, our generator recovers critical raw materials from waste and captures copious amounts of CO₂. This is our generation’s tipping point technology.





Quickly deploy affordable green energy at scale

Quickly deploy affordable green energy at scale

Quickly deploy affordable green energy at scale



Create abundant critical raw materials recovered from environmental waste

Create abundant critical raw materials recovered from environmental waste

Create abundant critical raw materials recovered from environmental waste



Sequester significant amounts of atmospheric CO2

Sequester significant amounts of atmospheric CO2

Sequester significant amounts of atmospheric CO2


Society believes that the future relies on an energy transition. We believe the future relies on a technological transition. What is clear is that emissions are the problem, yet we need energy.

It is an inconvenient truth that wind, solar, and batteries require energy from fossil fuels paired with the internal combustion engine for extraction, delivery, manufacturing, and deployment. To solve these Scope 3 emissions, we either replace the source of energy or replace the engine.

Replacing the source of energy with renewables would be extraordinarily expensive and require far more critical raw materials than we would be able to mine using sustainable practices.

Replacing the internal combustion engine with a chemical looping combustion engine achieves the same outcome faster and at substantially less expense with minimum disruption to existing industries.

Our solution—replacing the engine rather than energy source—uses existing infrastructure, fuel sources, and industry. By not fighting the current, we can transition away from emissions quickly and affordably.

Mormaír’s technology is simply a better solution.

Brands ™ provides zero emissions heat and power that is cheaper and more reliable than the status quo. Our generators capture the carbon in our feedstock for future storage and utilization. ™ provides zero emissions heat and power that is cheaper and more reliable than the status quo. Our generators capture the carbon in our feedstock for future storage and utilization.™ provides zero emissions heat and power that is cheaper and more reliable than the status quo. Our generators capture the carbon in our feedstock for future storage and utilization.

Metals Without Mining ™

Metals Without Mining takes environmental toxins such as coal dust and recovers useful metals in a net zero manner. We are passionate about exploiting circular economies to further the energy transition.

Metals Without Mining ™

Metals Without Mining takes environmental toxins such as coal dust and recovers useful metals in a net zero manner. We are passionate about exploiting circular economies to further the energy transition.

Metals Without Mining™

Metals Without Mining takes environmental toxins such as coal dust and recovers useful metals in a net zero manner. We are passionate about exploiting circular economies to further the energy transition.


CarbonSync captures carbon while creating energy. We make capturing millions of tonnes of carbon easy, cheap, and power-generating.


CarbonSync captures carbon while creating energy. We make capturing millions of tonnes of carbon easy, cheap, and power-generating.


CarbonSync captures carbon while creating energy. We make capturing millions of tonnes of carbon easy, cheap, and power-generating.

Our technology
Our technology

Internal Combustion Engine VS Mormair Reactor

Internal Combustion Engine VS Mormair Reactor

Internal Combustion Engine VS Mormair Reactor

Our Chemical Looping Combustion Engine is what makes the E650 unique. It is hydrocarbon agnostic and captures all waste streams, meaning there are no emissions or waste.  

When using biofuels, the capturing of waste streams means capturing environmental carbon dioxide. For every megawatt of generating capacity, we capture 7,500 tonnes of CO2 per year (while offsetting a further 15,000 tonnes per year per megawatt from the energy mix). This carbon can then be stored and utilized in ways that keep it from re-entering the biosphere.  

Additionally, our technology recovers strategic and critical raw materials from industrial and problematic waste. For example, by placing coal fly ash in our waste cannister, a thermo-chemical process from our engine leaches rare earth elements such as neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. 

Our generator creates zero emissions heat and power. Anything that uses an engine can use our technology: ships, trains, motor vehicles, industrial and construction machinery can all be green. We decarbonize any process that requires heat: electric arc furnaces, refining, and cement production, to name a few. Our generators can become the reliable, sustainable charging network for electric vehicles.

about us
about us





Strategy & Business Development



Strategy & Business Development



Strategy & Business Development



Partnerships & Stakeholder Engagement



Partnerships & Stakeholder Engagement



Partnerships & Stakeholder Engagement

Supported by


Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) first explored


1.5 kWth demonstration unit successfully tested


Work on CLC begins

E650 - TRL 1


1MWth demonstration unit sucessfully tested


CLC feasibility study commissioned

E650 - TRL 2


Feasibility report produced

E650 - TRL 3


E650 - TRL 4 component testing + design

Redesign from computational fluid dynamics results


E650 - TRL 5

Redesigned components tested in laboratory conditions

Prototype (TRL 7) designed


Mormair Ltd founded

Prototype reactor built

TRL 7 90% complete

Clean Growth UK Fast Track


Octopus Ventures Springboard first cohort

AirMiners Launchpad

Funding round open

University of Brighton partnership

XPRIZE competitor

Innovate UK support

Revenue generating via generator sales crowdfunding (50% MoM sales growth)™, Metals Without Mining™, CarbonSync™ brands established


First units deployed

Begin Innovate UK-funded project to complete TRLs

Series A raise

Deploy first units in UK


Scale up operations

Classification as "Technology of Strategic Importance" to the EU


10% UK Serviceable Available Market

Scale up international operations


UK Net Zero via Mormair technology


G7 and EU 15% Total Available Market


100% Global Net Zero via Mormair technology


35% Total global energy market (including energy involved in shipping, locomotive, logistics, automotive, aerospace, etc.)





What is chemical looping combustion and why have I never heard of it?

Is chemical looping combustion safe?

What size is the E650 generator?

What kind of fuel does it use?

How much carbon do you capture and what do you do with it?

How do you know you can sell energy to the grid?

How can I order a E650 generator for my home/business/industrial premises?

How can I invest?

What is chemical looping combustion and why have I never heard of it?

Is chemical looping combustion safe?

What size is the E650 generator?

What kind of fuel does it use?

How much carbon do you capture and what do you do with it?

How do you know you can sell energy to the grid?

How can I order a E650 generator for my home/business/industrial premises?

How can I invest?

What is chemical looping combustion and why have I never heard of it?

Is chemical looping combustion safe?

What size is the E650 generator?

What kind of fuel does it use?

How much carbon do you capture and what do you do with it?

How do you know you can sell energy to the grid?

How can I order a E650 generator for my home/business/industrial premises?

How can I invest?


